
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Web Episode 3 - 30/11/11

Talking business.

In tonight’s extended advertisement for Urban Market, we see Louise get chatted up by the stupidest man in Ireland.  Not only does he think she has a head for business but he’s also under the impression that the old hag is 23.  Jesus Christ, where did RTÉ pick up this lad? At the Take Me Out auditions?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Web Episode 2 - 29/11/11

The second webisode of series 2 marks the return of everyone’s favourite country skanger, Paul Furlong! Captured in his native habitat of Wexford, Paul let slip that he’ll be in Dublin soon. And ladies, he’s single as a Pringle.

Web Episode 1 - 29/11/11

You may have thought you were going to see a brand new and exciting episode of Ireland’s flagship reality mess but in fact it’s the same shit theme, same shit characters and same shit fake problems. Even the new gal about town, Roz, is so dull and unoriginal that we can’t think of a funny nickname for her so we're just going to call her Jacinta.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's Coming Back! - Fade Street Season 2

It is with tears of orgasmic joy that we can announce that the ever-groundbreaking Fade Street Twitter profile today revealed that "Fade Street is coming back !!!"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Episode 12 - 14/02/10

Heave ho!
It is with heavy hearts that we bid farewell to the gals of Fade Street and Vogue. In the series finale we were glad to see Lou-bot finally found her calling after 600 years roaming this earth. We wish her luck in the Blink real for the next few centuries.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Episode 11 - 07/02/11

Is this the bravest man in Ireland?

Well what an eventful evening we had this week as anybody who stayed up past midnight to watch Fade Street will tell you.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Episode 10 - 31/01/11

Dani does her best Paul impression

Just when we thought our favourite show couldn't have been given a more prestigous time slot we were delighted to learn that the girls and Vogue were on at 11:30. Seriously,  we wouldn't be surprised if it was on TG4 at 3am next Sunday.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Episode 9 - 24/01/10

This week saw pretty much nothing happen on Fade Street in-keeping with the running theme of the show. Unfortunately, Cici's oxygen tank broke and she was looking rough to say the least. She tried to shift our attention away by drawing on eyebrows with chunky charcoal from the DIT supplies closet. She also went on another date with Keith whose eyes are still as crazy as Jim Corr's conspiracy theories.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Episode 8 - 18/01/11

Dani keeping her legs closed for a change

And it all started off with sore heads for the Fade Street girls and Vog; Less than half an hour later, RTÉ viewers had headaches to rival the worst of hangovers after repeatedly being subjected to listening to Dani whine at Dublin Ink, whether it was asking to become a tattoo artist or getting her own tattoo.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Episode 7 - 10/01/10

Missed the episode? Just stare at this picture for 24 minutes

“New year, new you” seems to be the philosophy in Fade Street this week. The gals and Vogue start heading in different career directions and accumulate a few fellas along the way. However, in a not so exciting twist, everything goes pear-shaped: Louise finds a new rival in the "exotic" Milena and her new man appears to be quite the player, Dani struggles to stay single and Vogue, bless him, mistakes a bunch of weirdos running around a studio for 'actors'.